Friday, 10 August 2012

HOW TO : Iced Coffee and Americano

A caffe americano is espresso with (usually hot) water. An iced americano is a cooling treat that doesn't require the chilling time you need for iced coffee.

Video Transcript
So now we are going to learn how to make an Iced Americano. Iced Americano is very similar to iced latte except it doesn't have the milk or cream in it. The trick here to make a really good Iced Americano is to have lot of ice and not too much water. The first thing we want to do is actually pour our shot. We are going to do it in this small pourer here. If you are going to use any flavoring or sugar, you should put it into the pourer and have go with the shot so it blends better. I am actually going to use sugar because it draws out the flavor. Because it is a double shot, I am going to use 2 tablespoons of sugar. It is really important to make a really perfect espresso when you have drinks that don't have creamed milk or any syrups in it because you are really going to taste the espresso. You want to have it very good tasting. So I am going to put the pourer over here and pull a double shot. The next thing I am going to do is I am going to fill up my mug with ice. There you go. Put in a lot of ice. Going to wait for our shot. The next step is stir it if you have any flavoring or sugar, which I do. Stir that well in. Then I am going to slowly pour it over the ice to melt it. As you can see, it really melts the ice right away. Now I am going to add some water. I like to pour the water into the pourer. I am only going to put 3/4 of a pourer because if you put too much water, it is going to taste diluted. Get all the left over sugar and the good stuff, blend it in the water, pour it in. Now, what I like to do at this point is add a little more ice. This should be probably good. Now, that is the bare minimum iced American. If you customer wants to add cream or milk, they will have room to put it in. So that's good not to actually not fill it up. There you go. That's an Iced Americano.

1. Make one 1 1/2 oz. shot of espresso. (See "How to Make an Espresso" in Related eHows for instructions.)

2. Fill 10-oz glass with ice cubes.

3. Pour the espresso over ice.

4. Fill glass with cold water and stir mixture to equalize temperature.

5. Sweeten to taste or serve with milk.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post on Caffe Americano. I read it full article here. I always love to taste out Cinnabon Caffe Americano
